Once upon a time, nestled in a small little-known village called Manhattan, there lived two gentlemen named Max and Jason. Max, a sharp-dressed finance aficionado who moonlighted as an aspiring bird watcher, who loved diving into the pages of a great book. Meanwhile, Jason, a creative soul employed in the fast-paced world of advertising, possessed a passion for both dance and playing video games.
Their adventure together would begin amidst the vibrant ambiance of The Ritz, a dance club nestled in Hell’s Kitchen. Picture this: Jason, quite literally dancing on the rafters, suddenly notices a dashing figure below, stealing glances when Jason wasn’t looking. Like a comical game of whack-a-mole, Max's head would pop up from the bustling dance floor only to swiftly retreat when caught in Jason's gaze. As the night unfolded, their initially fumbled attempts at interaction evolved into a spirited conversation, paving the way for an exchange of numbers.
In the ensuing days, a flurry of text messages were exchanged, culminating in Max summoning the courage to invite Jason on a date. Their inaugural rendezvous unfolded at The Smith Restaurant, on Manhattan's East Side. Amidst the palpable flutter of butterflies, the unlikely duo talked for hours. Indeed, opposites had collided in the most enchanting of ways. While Jason's heart soared with the certainty that Max was "the one," Max, though clearly smitten, required a touch more time…..
And just like that ten years later they are getting married. The End.
Ok, so a few things happened in the last ten years. Jason and Max have traveled the world together, bought their first place together, and even have a baby! No, not a human baby, a cat baby who goes by the name of Peter Parker. They have celebrated birthdays, holidays, anniversaries and everything in between. Heck, they even made it through the covid years, during lockdown, together in a 600 square foot apartment. If they can do that, they are truly destined for one another!
During one of the aforementioned ‘travels’ a year ago, amid their explorations in Copenhagen, the couple embarked on a charming boat excursion down the winding canal. On a picturesque day with gentle currents that carried them along, Max seized the opportunity to pause the boat's progress. He then got down to one knee and revealed a ring that he had surreptitiously hidden in his pocket
There amidst the serene beauty that was that moment in time, Max proposed to Jason. Overwhelmed with emotion and swept away by the sheer magnitude of the moment, Jason's responded with a resounding "yes!"
And now, as they prepare to exchange vows, it's abundantly clear that this is merely the opening chapter of their epic love story. Who knows what delightful escapades await this dynamic duo as they journey through the maze of life together? One thing's for certain: with Jason and Max, the adventure never ends.
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